WAR OFFICE OFFICIAL TOPICAL BUDGET 348-1 (Spanish version, fragment) [Main]

Egyéb cím(ek): PICTORIAL NEWS (OFFICIAL) 348-1 (Spanish version, fragment) [alternative]
Év: 1918
Játékidő: 4 mins
Leírás: The Queen in her open carriage drives down the hill from Windsor Castle (visible in the background) past an honour guard of the Coldstream Guards to where flowers are arranged on stalls on either side of the street. The Queen, still in her carriage, is presented with a bouquet.The parade is led by a military band, followed by members of the Women's Land Army with a hay wagon. These are followed by the Women's Forestry Corps. A demonstration is given of a traction engine driving a mechanical thresher and baler, with women overseeing the machine. Members of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps file into Saint Paul's for the service. The Lord Mayor, Sir Horace Marshall, arrives.Some of the men and women ride in a Mark V Tank with its hatches open over the test ground, then are helped out.
I. Spanish language version of a newsreel item on Queen Mary officially celebrating Saint George's Day at Windsor, 20th April 1918.II. Spanish language version of a parade by women war workers through the streets of London to Saint Paul's Cathedral, April 1918.III. Spanish language version of a newsreel item on a delegation headed by James Wilson representing US Socialist and Union groups being shown over a tank works in Britain, April 1918.
Kulcsszavak: EFG1914 / World War I / Mary, Queen / Marshall, Horace / London, Lord Mayor of / Wilson, James / British Army, Coldstream Guards / British Army, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps / Women's Land Army / Women's Forestry Corps / Socialist and Union Groups, United States / celebrations, British - popular: Saint George's Day / buildings, British - historic: castle / transport, British civilian - agricultural: thresher / buildings, British - religious: cathedral / delegations, United States international - informative / armour, British - tank: Tank Mark V Male / 31/3(41) / 31/3(41) / 31/3(41) / GB, England & Windsor, Berks
/ GB, England & London, EC / GB, England / sex -
Szolgáltató: Imperial War Museums
Jogok: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Gyártó: Topical Film Company
Szín: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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